Architektura /

Achim Menges | Polymorphism

Achim Menges přijal pozvání do Prahy z londýnské „AA“, kde působí jako pedagog a člen skupiny Emergent Technologies. Londýnská Architectural Association School of Architecture je prestižní školou, která sleduje nejen nejnovější trendy v oblasti digitálních technologií ovlivňujících vývoj architektury, ale také se aktivně podílí na výzkumu v této oblasti. Přednáška Achima Mengese se uskuteční ve středu 10. května 2006 v rámci série přednášek Digitální architekt [06].

Digitální architekt , 3. 5. 2006

Achim Menges presents a range of morphogenetic design strategies that synthesize processes of formation and materialisation. Along a series of design experiments he explains his research into an understanding of form, material and structure not as separate elements, but rather as complex interrelations in polymorphic systems resulting from the response to varied input and environmental influences and derived through the logics of advanced manufacturing processes.Achim MengesProf Achim Menges AADip(Hons) is an architect and partner in OCEAN NORTH and the Emergence and Design Group. He studied at the Technical University Darmstadt and graduated from the Architectural Association with Honours. He has taught at the AA since 2002 and is currently Unit Master of Diploma Unit 4 and Studio Master of the Emergent Technologies and Design Master Program. He has also been a visiting professor at Rice University School of Architecture, Houston. Since 2005 he is Professor for Form-generation and Materialization at the HfG Offenbach University for Art and Design Land Hessen in Germany.www.achimmenges.netAchim Menges research focuses on the development of integral design processes at the intersection of evolutionary computation, parametric design, biomimetic engineering and computer aided manufacturing that enable a highly articulated, performative built environment. His research projects have been published in Europe, Asia and the United States. Achim Menges recently received the FEIDAD (Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design) Outstanding Design Award in 2002, the FEIDAD Design Merit Award in 2003, the Archiprix International Award 2003, RIBA Tutor Price 2004 and the International Bentley Educator of the Year Award 2005.www.postagriculture.orgstředa 10.5.2006, 17:45 hodAchim MengesPolymorphismMaterial Systemsand Morphogenetic DesignFakulta architektury ČVUT v PrazeThákurova 7, Praha 6 - DejvicePřednášková místnost C 223w w w . d i g i a r c h . c z Pořádají:, Fakulta architektury ČVUT v PrazeVe spolupráci: Velvyslanectví Nizozemského království, Česká komora architektů, Nadace české architekturyHlavní partneři: ArchiCAD, Autodesk, Copy General, HP invent, Hacker modelPartneři: Nemetschek, VELUXProjekt podpořili: NC Computers, PROSTORMediální partneři: Computer Design, Era 21, KONSTRUKCE, Radio1Internetoví partneři: AVC, STUDENT

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