Architektura /

Urs Hirschberg | Augmented Architecture

Urs Hirschberg působí v současnosti na pozici děkana Fakulty architektury na Technické univerzitě v Grazu, kde vede Institut architektury a médií. Ve své vědecké činnosti se od počátku devadesátých let minulého století zabývá výzkumem zaměřeným na vztahy a procesy v digitální architektuře s ohledem na možnosti výuky architektury. Za tímto účelem vznikla pod jeho vedením v Institutu architektury a médií skupina no_Lab, která se zabývá výzkumem prostředí budoucí generace pro digitální navrhování a výzkum architektury. Jeho přednáška se uskuteční ve středu 5.dubna 2006.

Digitální architekt , 29. 3. 2006

'Augmented Architecture' is the motto in teaching and research at the Institute of architecture and media of TU Graz which was established in 2004. In this lecture I will give some insight into the work of the institute. As our motto suggests, we don't see the role of digital media in architecture primarily as a replacement for traditional techniques. Rather, our interest lies in how computer technology can enhance and expand what architects do, how they do it and with whom they do it. I'll show projects ranging from the application of open source collaboration in teaching to enhanced craftsmanship through digital manufacturing and applications of ubiquitous computing that enrich our spatial perception. And I will argue why it is important that architects take on these issues today.About Urs Hirschberg Urs Hirschberg is professor for representation of architecture and new media at Graz University of Technology. He received his Diploma in Architecture from ETH Zurich. In 1993 he joined the chair for Architecture and CAAD of Prof. Gerhard Schmitt at ETH Zurich. Until 1997 he was involved in two major research projects: on computer support in urban planning and on digital photogrammetry in architectural design. Between 1997 and 2000 he was lecturer for computer aided architectural design at ETH Zurich. The courses he and his colleagues developed put much emphasis on creative collaboration via networks and have served as the basis for several international projects with other universities. He conducted workshops at TU Delft and at Bauhaus University in Weimar and was an academic fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From 2000 until 2002 he served as assistant professor of design computing at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. In September of 2002 he became professor at the institute for visual design of the architecture department of TU Graz. He is now the head of the newly founded institute of architecture and media at TU Graz and currently also serves as dean of the faculty of architecture. His research interests include the development of networked working environments for architecture and architectural education, the visualization of complex relationships and processes, new digital design tools, hybrid environments and information architecture. At TU Graz he is heading the development of the no_Lab, a next generation environment for digital design and research.středa 5.4.2006, 17:45 hodUrs HirschbergAugmented ArchitectureFakulta architektury ČVUT v PrazeThákurova 7, Praha 6 - DejvicePřednášková místnost C 223w w w . d i g i a r c h . c z Pořádají:, Fakulta architektury ČVUT v PrazeVe spolupráci: Velvyslanectví Nizozemského království, Česká komora architektů, Nadace české architekturyHlavní partneři: ArchiCAD, Autodesk, Copy General, HP invent, Hacker modelPartneři: Nemetschek, VELUXProjekt podpořili: NC Computers, PROSTORMediální partneři: Computer Design, Era 21, KONSTRUKCE, Radio1Internetoví partneři: AVC, STUDENT

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