Architektura /

Nové auditorium ČVUT v Praze

The project for the new auditoria of the CVUT is designed as a big scale 3d Mondrian painting. Lines and primary colours create a composition that strongly resembles those of the De Stijl movement.

EARCH.CZ , 19. 3. 2009

All closed in a glass box that follows and completes the silhouette of the adjacent building, the auditoria and the other functions are clearly outlined by their colours. The yellow box is the auditorium for 790 seats. The small one, 414 seats, is in the blue one. Seminary rooms and other services are hosted in red and transparent boxes, while white is the colour for service stairs.

The ground floor is dedicated to entrances from and to the exterior and the neighbouring faculty of transportation, as well as to a cafeteria, a cloakroom and toilets. The middle floors are occupied by the auditoria and the top floor provides a vast space at full disposition for the needs of students and professors.

Foto: eArch
Giacomo Infelise

Nové auditorium ČVUT v Praze  

Ateliér: Ing. arch. Zdeněk Zavřel Semestr: zima 2008

Olověný Dušan 2009 užší nominace


Foto: eArch

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