Architektura /

Pablo Miranda | Architecture After Cybernetics

Letní sérii přednášek Digitální architekt [06] uzavře Pablo Miranda Carranza. Miranda je architekt působící v současné době na Královském institutu Technologie ve Stockholmu. Zabývá se generativními strategiemi, inteligentními a samo navrhujícími se strukturami. Ve své práci experimentuje s umělým životem a senzory a interakcí člověk – stroj v prostoru.

Digitální architekt , 26. 5. 2006

Architecture after cybernetics.Design, from the Italian disegno or drawing, condenses since its introduction in the humanist culture of the Renaissance, geometrical form (in the drawing and the final object) and judgement and purpose (of the designer) in a single concept. Design articulates through the rational logic of geometry, the judgements, intentions, creative epiphanies and more or less fortunate decisions of the designer in to a narrative intelligible to a user.Catherine Hayles has described as ‘post-human’ the cultural condition resulting from the control principles identified by cybernetics in the years immediate to the Second World War. These principles, originated in the scientific, economic and industrial culture of the nineteenth century and exemplified in the steam governor, Darwinian evolution or the self-regulation of markets, took human and divine intentional causation literally ‘out of the equation’ and substituted it instead by the mechanisms of feedback and circular causality. The incorporation of cybernetic technologies and concepts in architecture, from genetic algorithms to interaction, challenges the notion of design as the legible, rational plot set up by the designer: The results of autonomous creative processes follow paths that no longer form intelligible rational sequences, or respond in their stances to any recognisable human logic. What can then be the aesthetics of this ‘post-human’ condition in architecture and design?čtvrtek 8.6.2006, 17:45 hodPablo MirandaArchitecture After CyberneticsFakulta architektury ČVUT v PrazeThákurova 7, Praha 6 - DejvicePřednášková místnost C223w w w . d i g i a r c h . c z Pořádají:, Fakulta architektury ČVUT v PrazeVe spolupráci: Velvyslanectví Nizozemského království, Česká komora architektů, Nadace české architekturyHlavní partneři: ArchiCAD, Autodesk, Copy General, HP invent, Hacker modelPartneři: Nemetschek, VELUXProjekt podpořili: NC Computers, PROSTORMediální partneři: Computer Design, Era 21, KONSTRUKCE, Radio1Internetoví partneři: AVC, STUDENT

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