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Stepwise plan Greg Lynn

Note that the work method is a very brief outline how Greg Lynn works, and that it does not show any of the detail and uniqueness of a running design project. Because of this abstraction however, the work method does indicate:

Henri Hubertus Achten , 24. 2. 2004

What are important aspects to consider in the design process? In what general order is it a good way to proceed in the design process (what are the correct steps to take)? How to ensure important issues are dealt with and not forgotten in the design process.The use of a design method is not meant to produce designs that look like the designs of Greg Lynn, but it helps for: Understanding the typical approach of Greg Lynn. Comparing your own design process to that of someone else, in this case Greg Lynn. Becoming more clear on your own work methods.AnalysisIdentify major elements in the brief.Determine of each element the extremes of its properties: minimum and maximum size, relation to other elements, possible positions, attraction and interactions.Determine which representation works best for the elements (spline, surface, blob).Determine a general structure that connects all the elements.Relate the structure to the site and determine the influence of the site to the structure. How? Are there places where elements can or cannot come? Are there places where higher or lower densities of elements can be expected? Are elements additionally deformed by the site, for example by movement patterns? Animation and studyPlace the elements on a timeline and make keyframes of the important properties that will be animated (place, size, etc.) How? Define start- and endconditions on the timeline (for example for 150 frames, frame 0 and frame 150). Think of at least two or three other configurations and place these on intermediate frames. Try to incorporate attraction between elements. Animate the model.Study the interactions between elements and between elements and the site. How? What position do they take? What size do they have? Are some elements moving together or rather apart? Can elements be captured in a single volume? Refine the keyframes and animate again, or choose a particular configuration out of the animation for the design.The designThe configuration from the animation still takes some work before it becomes a design. How? The shape from the animation often only is a surface model (depending on the working method). Choose a technique to materialise the shape and show this in the design (shreds, strands, flowers, blebs, lattices, etc). Lynn often uses a grid-structure based on the sections of the building. ChecklistWhat do you need/be able to do to use van Lynn's method?Skills in 3DStudio with animation, blob techniques, and surface modelling.If you want to work in 2D, then splines are an important technique.Thorough analysis of the brief in particular with respect to relations between the brief elements and dynamic/interaction aspects of the elements.A comprehensive structure that connects the elements (skeleton, forces, morphing) and that can be connected with the brief.Choose a building technique through which the resulting shape will be realised.Stepwise plan LynnWorking method for the design projectby Henri Achtenh.h.achten [at]">H.H.Achten@tue.nl changed: February 23, 2004

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